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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Spring Cleaning!

One thing about me is that I really do NOT enjoy cleaning. However, some things are essential and the fact that we're on our second 60+ degree day in a row signals that it's time to start airing out the house, put things outside to dry in the spring air, and get a move on that cleaning.

The first "project" is to make a list of rooms to be tackled.
  • Bathrooms
  • Guest/Kids Bedroom(s)
  • Dining Room
  • Kitchen
  • Living Room
  • Hall Closet
  • Master Bedroom
  • Bonus Room/Office/Soon to be Nursery:)!

You may also have rooms to consider such as:
Laundry Room
Garage (I'm going to consider this one a completely different project I'm putting on the "Honey Do" list)

Even with the extra nesting motivation I'm getting from the baby on the way, there's no way a total cleaning hater like me will tackle everything in a single day or weekend. I spread mine out over a few weekends, breaking down into projects by room.

Wish me luck!