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Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Frosty Start

So ready or not it's that time again - evening frost warnings. Earlier last week was our first of the season. I had come home late from work, turned on the tv and was greeted by a frost warning. What ensued was a made dash (in the dark) to get all the most tender plants covered up and ready to weather the frost.

Here's all the tomatoes we had to bring into the house quickly to finish ripening and be protected from the frost. We'll have to come up with a plan to use those later this week - I'm thinking homemade BBQ sauce?

Fast forward to this morning - time to survey the damage. Fortunately it looks like we got a minimal amount of frost.

My sunflowers - which just started to bloom yesterday made it through - thank goodness! I would have been very disappointed to lose those before they even got started!\

All my tomato plants were covered up safe and sound with old sheets. They made it through the night with flying colors!

The beans, peas (I got a late start!), celery, cucumbers and all the herbs weathered the frost pretty well. Funny enough - the only thing that frosted was my zucchini leaves - I thought squash were fall hardy?

I'm a little sad to see the last days of the summer seasons - it goes so fast.

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