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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Herb Beyond Cooking - Table Top Flower Arrangements Using Herbs

One of the most rewarding things about having a home garden is having access to cut flowers throughout the season. Flowers aren't the only thing that you can use for table top arrangements. I love bringing herbs into my home as interesting accents and sometimes even focal points of fresh table arrangements. Here's a few of my favorites:

This bright arrangement screams last days of summer to me. I use a single giant sunflower and accented with some herbal favorites - oregano, spearmint, sage and purple basil.

Here's another example of mixing accent flowers - sedum and hollyhock in this case - with fresh herbs - mint and sage.

Here, I've taken a purple coneflower (aka Echinacea - a perennial herb) with bright dill flowers and curly leaf parsley. 

The combinations are endless with a little creativity. However, with the summer season nearing to the end, don't be afraid to re-purpose your edibles into these fun arrangements.

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